Tuesday 16 July 2013

Black Eyed Bean & Spinach Kievs

Black Eyed Bean & Spinach Kievs

Haven’t made any kievs since the kidney bean kievs last year (http://vegannyomnom.blogspot.ie/2012/05/kidney-bean-kievs.html ) and have had a hankering for them. So here’s an alternative little idea for them! : )

1 can black eyed beans
1 can chickpeas (or 2 cans black eyed beans)
1 (red) onion
1/3 average bag spinach (~75g)
2/3 cup coarse wholemeal flour
1/2 cup soya mince & 1 stock cube (optional)
Spices/herbs: coriander, paprika, rosemary, black pepper (to taste)
2-3 tbsp olive oil (or other oil)
Garlic butter: 3-4 tbsp dairy free butter + 3-4 cloves garlic (to taste)
Breadcrumbs: 4-5 slices bread (we used brown) + 2-3 tbsp olive oil (or other oil), rosemary, flour

1. If using soya mince as an added taste, boil up 1/4 cup water and dissolve stock cube and add to soya mince. Leave to soak. Make the garlic butter – chop up garlic and add to butter.
2. Put beans, chickpeas, chopped onion and spinach in a blender. Add spices, oil, flour and soaked soya mince.
3. Make breadcrumb mix: crumble bread slices, add rosemary, olive oil and 2 tbsp coarse flour.
4. Take 4-6 tbsp of the bean mix and on a floured surface make into 2 flattened ovals (or other desired shape – or less tablespoons if you desire smaller ones). Onto one oval, add 1 tsp of the garlic butter.
Flattened the other oval atop this first oval and secure the edges. Roll in the breadcrumb mix.
Repeat until mixture is used up.
5. Cook in oven at 180° for 30-40mins.

This makes about 4-5 big kievs, but you can make them any size that is convenient for you. These are breaded ones of course, with coarse breadcrumbs but you can top them with finer breadcrumbs or just coat them with a little oil and leave them without.

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