Sunday 24 February 2013

Coffee Walnut Cake

Coffee Walnut Cake

Recently Conor’s future supervisor gave him a bag of walnuts off a tree at home, telling him they’d be great as walnut cake. Well we thought coffee would taste so good with walnuts in cake…
Took a while to de-shell enough, but it was worth it!

- 1.5 cups self raising flour
- 1 cup sugar
- ¾ cup strong brewed coffee (if using instant: make up 3/4 cup coffee with about ~1-2tbsp instant)
- ½ cup oil
- ½ cup walnuts

Preheat oven to 180°
1. As always, mix the wet ingredients (coffee, oil), mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, walnuts).
2. Mix the two sets together.
3. Put mix into a greased sponge tray and bake in oven for 15-20mins (or until browned).
4. Decorate as you please. We just made up a simple icing (mix some coffee with icing sugar) and topped with walnuts. 
Simple and quick recipe – as it should be!

P.S. The tip to making good cake is knowing your oven. For example, the above recipe works perfectly if you have a good oven, like in Conor’s house back home. In Conor’s oven in his student place though the oven is overly powerful and cooks the cake quickly, so we add another ½ cup of flour to the mix. 

Simple Waffles

Simple Waffles

One of the things I’ve always wanted to try was those sweet waffles you can only really buy (in Ireland no one has waffle makers). However, to my luck I recently came across a shop that was closing down and one of the stock it was selling off was a waffle maker for €10…

- 2 cups flour
- 1.5 cups dairy free milk (eg soya)
- ⅓- ½ cup sugar (as per your taste)
- 2 tbsp dairy free butter or oil
- Vanilla essence
(cinnamon if desired!)

1. Melt the butter in the microwave (or use oil), mix with milk and vanilla essence. Add sugar, then flour.
2. Put in waffle maker as per directions.
Top with syrup, fruit, jam or whatever your heart desires :)

This recipe is really probably not all too different from the one Conor uses to make his delicious pancakes… which we keep meaning to put up except he usually makes it ‘by feel’ and the pancakes get eaten before we think of photos (as we’re hungry in the morning!). Except we’re making pancakes more often this year than any (everytime I finish a rotation block really!) so should be making some again soon…