Sunday 24 February 2013

Coffee Walnut Cake

Coffee Walnut Cake

Recently Conor’s future supervisor gave him a bag of walnuts off a tree at home, telling him they’d be great as walnut cake. Well we thought coffee would taste so good with walnuts in cake…
Took a while to de-shell enough, but it was worth it!

- 1.5 cups self raising flour
- 1 cup sugar
- ¾ cup strong brewed coffee (if using instant: make up 3/4 cup coffee with about ~1-2tbsp instant)
- ½ cup oil
- ½ cup walnuts

Preheat oven to 180°
1. As always, mix the wet ingredients (coffee, oil), mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, walnuts).
2. Mix the two sets together.
3. Put mix into a greased sponge tray and bake in oven for 15-20mins (or until browned).
4. Decorate as you please. We just made up a simple icing (mix some coffee with icing sugar) and topped with walnuts. 
Simple and quick recipe – as it should be!

P.S. The tip to making good cake is knowing your oven. For example, the above recipe works perfectly if you have a good oven, like in Conor’s house back home. In Conor’s oven in his student place though the oven is overly powerful and cooks the cake quickly, so we add another ½ cup of flour to the mix. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks & sounds great, pictures are very well composed too!
