Wednesday 12 June 2013

Mojito cupcakes

Mojito cupcakes

Lime, mint and rum… It’s a standard dull summer day here in Ireland and this was just the combination we needed to remind us it’s still summer!

1½ cups flour
1 cup sugar
¼ cup oil
2 limes
½ cup water
1 tsp vinegar
1 tbsp mint essence (or to taste)
About 3 tbsp rum OR 1-2 tsp rum essence (to taste)

Preheat oven to 180°.
1. Grate the limes and collect the grated rind. Mix flour, sugar and lime rind.
2. Add oil, mint essence, and whatever rum flavouring you are using (we used rum essence due to lack of real rum) and water.
3. Squeeze juice of the limes into a cup and add to mixture. Add vinegar, mix well and pour mixture into greased cupcake liners.
4. Bake for about 20mins or until toothpick comes out clean.

Sometimes I wonder if I should even type these recipes up… As basically they’re all the same really except for the item used for flavour (fruit, cocoa powder, peanut butter etc) and the recipe slightly adjusted to match the dry/wet ratio on addition of the item used for flavour.
It all comes down to the basic ingredients; flour, sugar, oil (& occasional vinegar) and then changing the recipe to decrease/increase the dry/wet ratio based on whether the flavour ingredient is wet/dry (also considering the oven – know your oven!)
I firmly believe cupcakes should be simple and happy. No mad ingredients, no egg replacer, no weighing scales. Just a cup, bowl and spoon and away you go.
The more simple, accessible and happy – the more people bake and the more cupcakes (Especially vegan cupcakes) there are in the world and that to me makes it a happier place.
All the cupcake/cake recipes here are made from scratch – why would I bother with recipes from books or online that I’ve never tried and am not sure if they work? I have my basics that I trust and just need to go from there. Usually when deciding to bake it goes something like:
‘I’m in the mood to bake a little something.’ Do we have the basic three ingredients? Grand.
What flavour should it be- what do we have lots of, kiwis? Grand. How do I get them into cupcakes? Puree them and adjust the dry/wet ratio. Grand.
So I guess that’s why I keep putting them up – to share some nice, simple, happy vegan cupcakes! ^^

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